Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to have good financial habits?

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Many young people are “Moonlight Clan”. When it comes to financial management, they always feel that it is after earning a lot of money. The current monthly income is not enough for them to squander. In fact, financial management can be done regardless of income. It is a method of rationally disposing of personal property, and its purpose is to allow us to enjoy life better. Cultivating financial management habits is very important for young people, how do you know how to cultivate your own financial management habits?

  1. Delay consumption. The current consumption environment actually encourages everyone to consume in advance. Online lending platforms are emerging in endlessly, credit cards are popular, and financial tools such as Huabei and Jiebei are within easy reach. Any consumer demand seems to be met immediately. This has indeed brought a lot of convenience to people, but it has also spawned many social problems. This is especially true for college students. After they enter college, their consumption desires are stimulated, but their social cognition is still weak, and they have no income, so they are basically supported by their families. If there is improper publicity at this time, college students will consume for instant gratification, which will eventually lead to consequences such as debt repayment, recurring interest, and even vicious incidents.
  2. Learn to keep accounts. Keeping accounts seems simple, but it is not easy. It is very troublesome to keep a bill for everything from rent to gas, water and electricity, food and miscellaneous items. I want to say that the most important thing for us is to choose the accounting tool that suits us. Do you use a hand account, an excel form, or an accounting app? You can only stick to the way you like.
  3. Make a budget for the next month. Only by sticking to the budget and constantly adjusting the budget can we effectively control expenses. Budgeting allows us to identify the holes in our wallets, allowing us to avoid wasted and lost money. Cultivating financial intelligence is a systematic process. Among them are the changes in our thinking, the development of financial management habits, and the learning of investment skills. There is a good saying that financial freedom is a person’s freedom and a sense of control over money. The foundation of achieving financial freedom is a high financial quotient.

The above is an introduction on how to cultivate your own financial management habits. You can refer to it if you need it. Execute financial planning and keep improving it. Once the plan is formulated, it must be strictly implemented, and after a period of time, adjustments should be made according to the actual situation to make the plan more reasonable.