Saturday, July 27, 2024

How to reduce fat by exercise?

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add some strength exercises

For fat reduction, strenuous aerobic dance for an hour, the fat loss effect is not as good as half an hour weight training. This is because the metabolism rate of muscles is relatively high.

The Dallas Aerobic Research Association of the United States has shown that the basic calorie expenditure of a pound of muscle daily maintenance is 30 to 50 calories, but the calorie consumption of fat is only 2 calories. So, if you want the body to consume more calories, The ratio of muscle to fat in the body must be increased.

 multiple short-time exercise

Studies have shown that the same two-hour fitness exercise, divided into 40 minutes for three times, the consumption of fat is much more than two hours fitness exercise.

Because after each exercise, the body may maintain the highest metabolic rate for at least 12 hours, and the accumulated fat in the body will be quickly consumed at this time. Therefore, exercise as much as possible and lose weight will be better.

20 minutes or more for each exercise

Although the above is said to be a short time, but the shortest time is not less than 20 minutes. Why is it 20 minutes? From a health promotion point of view, a single exercise can reach health promotion in more than 10 minutes. However, from the point of view of fat loss and calorie consumption, exercise consumption is very small in only 10 minutes, and the main consumption is glycogen. The premise of using fat energy is to keep exercising for at least 20 minutes and keep the heart rhythm above 55% of the highest heart rate (the highest heart rate is 220 minus the age). At this time, the sugar in the muscle and liver is consumed, and the fat can begin to be greatly use.